Sad if your prediction comes true. Why are we teaching ourselves that the most rewarding thing in life is to provide labor to your employer? We will see so many women who decided against having kids for the sake of their career overcome with depression in their 40s and 50s. Calling it now. And then the rich will use surrogates but will they be any better off?
Liberal ideologies seek to obliterate the horizontal relationships that unite people in communities, to replace them with artificial/vertical ties that bind atomized individuals to the State and its handmaid corporate capitalism. The many manifestations of genderfluidity -biology denied- are expressions of this drive.
Most of this & another article are more than my current little head can understand. Why am I Commenting? To let you know that in spite of my limitations I want you to know that I am here and find your pieces to be stimulating enough to go ahead & subscribe. I will have to reread these.
Excellent article. I feel this is part of a push where humans are considered as nothing but an expandable resource in what I like to call as ‘privatised communism’.
Capitalism as defined implies the respect of freedom, and by extension humans. Communism and socialism, with their tendency to focus on controlling the means in order to control the outcomes, doesn’t care about freedom. Therefore, anything that goes against their objective of control is a threat. Family is one of the institutions that threatens this type of control. And what best way to destroy families by promoting certain values and attack what families stand for by deeming them as an archaic construct.
The reason I refer to ‘private communism’ is that instead of being controlled by the state, we are controlled by concentration of private capital and where governments (supposed to be people’s representatives) are working for private capital. Anything that does not benefit private capital must be fought, and humans for private capital are nothing but a resource that must be squeezed in their never ending pursuit of profit. So it goes without saying that women’s ability to bear and nurture life is of interest to them, but also a threat. Hence why they seek to control it.
Sad if your prediction comes true. Why are we teaching ourselves that the most rewarding thing in life is to provide labor to your employer? We will see so many women who decided against having kids for the sake of their career overcome with depression in their 40s and 50s. Calling it now. And then the rich will use surrogates but will they be any better off?
Liberal ideologies seek to obliterate the horizontal relationships that unite people in communities, to replace them with artificial/vertical ties that bind atomized individuals to the State and its handmaid corporate capitalism. The many manifestations of genderfluidity -biology denied- are expressions of this drive.
Well done.
Please write more.
Most of this & another article are more than my current little head can understand. Why am I Commenting? To let you know that in spite of my limitations I want you to know that I am here and find your pieces to be stimulating enough to go ahead & subscribe. I will have to reread these.
Excellent article. I feel this is part of a push where humans are considered as nothing but an expandable resource in what I like to call as ‘privatised communism’.
Capitalism as defined implies the respect of freedom, and by extension humans. Communism and socialism, with their tendency to focus on controlling the means in order to control the outcomes, doesn’t care about freedom. Therefore, anything that goes against their objective of control is a threat. Family is one of the institutions that threatens this type of control. And what best way to destroy families by promoting certain values and attack what families stand for by deeming them as an archaic construct.
The reason I refer to ‘private communism’ is that instead of being controlled by the state, we are controlled by concentration of private capital and where governments (supposed to be people’s representatives) are working for private capital. Anything that does not benefit private capital must be fought, and humans for private capital are nothing but a resource that must be squeezed in their never ending pursuit of profit. So it goes without saying that women’s ability to bear and nurture life is of interest to them, but also a threat. Hence why they seek to control it.